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    What are the types of Adblue malfunctions?

    What are the types of Adblue malfunctions?

    A malfunctioning Adblue pump as a result of poor quality Adblue use and  a low Adblue level in the vehicle causes the malfunction lamp to come on. This malfunction is also a problem experienced in Iveco Euro 6 vehicles.

    Although the illuminated malfunction lamp seems like a simple malfunction, it is a very serious problem. It puts the driver in a very difficult situation. In addition, it reduces the performance of the vehicle and causes an increase in fuel consumption.

    Is this malfunction repairable?

    Yes, this is a repairable malfunction. There are various ways to repair this malfunction in Iveco Euro 6 vehicles. However, these routes are very costly. In order to minimize the cost, Nitro Mechatronics Company has produced Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators.

    What are Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators? For what purpose is it used?

    Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators are a device used to disable the Abdlue system in vehicles with a malfunctioning Adblue system.

    With Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators, the Adblue system will be disabled in Iveco Euro 6 vehicles.

    Although the Adblue system is disabled, thanks to Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators, the ECU perceives the Adblue system as if it is working properly.

    With Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators, Adblue malfunctions of Iveco Euro 6 vehicles are completely resolved.

    Does using Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators create a disadvantage for the vehicle?

    In Iveco Euro 6 vehicles, using Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators does not create any disadvantage against the vehicle.

    It even creates an advantage for the vehicle. Because the Adblue system is disabled with the Iveco Euro 6 Adblue emulators, there will be no Adblue malfunctions  in the vehicle again.

    Also, the loss of performance and excessive fuel consumption problems experienced in the vehicle are also eliminated.

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